Comparison of Fracturing Treatment Design with an in-house Code, MFrac and FracPro

DOI: 10.14800/IOGR.426


  • Shanshan Liu


Hydraulic fracturing software is widely used in our industry nowadays for fracturing treatment design. Some of them are fracturing simulators that can actually mimic fracture growth while some kind is solely for treatment design. Although being different, they can provide reasonable ultimate fracture geometry and design procedure. This project aims to compare design results from three different fracturing software. Four case scenarios are studied, which involve sensitivity of consistency index of fracturing fluid, out-of-zone fluid loss multiplier, minimum horizontal stress and reservoir permeability. Each parameter is studied with individual software without interference. Results from this project can help users to understand how to cope with design changes when there is dramatic input change.



How to Cite

Shanshan Liu 2018. Comparison of Fracturing Treatment Design with an in-house Code, MFrac and FracPro: DOI: 10.14800/IOGR.426. Improved Oil and Gas Recovery. 2, (Mar. 2018).


